Rooted Living Spiritual Direction https://www.rootedlivingspiritual.com

Recently, my 17yo and I decided to embrace our Disney-loving selves and went to see Frozen II – and yes, we were the oldest people in the audience without younger kids in tow.  Did that bother us? NOT AT ALL. We couldn’t wait to see the next chapter of this oh-so-popular story that left us singing for weeks and even months after the original release. We looked forward to the chatty snowman and the goofy reindeer.  We couldn’t wait to hear the new songs. Upon seeing the film, we were both surprised by how deep the story was. In this kids film, there was depth of character ad real-life themes that were relatable. Themes that we adults often pushed under the rug because we don’t want to have to deal with the “hard topics.”  

Leaving the theater, my daughter instantly started streaming the new soundtrack to the car.  As she sang and I drove, I began recounting the themes of the movie: Identity, call, grief, transformation.  BIG themes to tackle in a 90 minute children’s movie – and to do it with music, well that’s above and beyond! 

Beginning the Journey

While Disney can introduce us to these deeper themes, spiritual direction is what helps us explore them in a healthy and safe way.  Frozen II brought up life themes that people across the ages struggle with. We search for meaning around our identity – understanding our own, who we are meant to be as a part of creation. We struggle with issues of grief and transformation. These are big issues that we cannot reduce to a catchy song and whimsical animation – though these things may help bring the issues to mind.  Journeying towards our true self, working through grief, or trying to understand our shadow-side is done best with a holy listener – someone that truly hears you while giving you all the space you need to explore the subject at hand.  

Spiritual direction – time spent 1:1 with a spiritual director for one session or a series of sessions – can provide the time and place to dig deeper into these issues.  As children of the Creator, we are ever changing as we discover and live into our created purpose and calling. With constant change and growth comes reflection, questions, movement, grief, and emotion.  While spiritual directors are not counselors, they can hold space for this kind of activity and help shed light on how the Holy is present in each situation. Spiritual directors can also ask questions that may help us get to a truth within us we haven’t been able to find on our own – afterall, discovery IS a journey.  

No One Journeys Alone

Spiritual direction is for all people. It is for anyone who believes in the Divine, the Holy, the Sacred (Christian or otherwise). Furthermore, I fear that sometimes our clergy and lay people don’t participate in spiritual direction because their job is to BE spiritual, so why would they need spiritual direction?  Honestly, I find these church leaders to be among those who benefit and need spiritual direction most – as a means of self-care AND personal development. But whether a church leader or a faith-filled person (on any faith), spiritual direction can be a benefit to you on your personal journey. 

The characters of Frozen II didn’t have a spiritual director to help them through their transitions and transformations – I wonder how much differently their story would have been had they had that tool? 

Ready to take the next step and give spiritual direction a try?

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